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Exchange Projects & Events


HPD Air Support BBQ Dinner - Wednesday, Dec 11th @ 6p

LOCATION: 8402 Larson, Houston, Tx
COST: $20 per person or Sponsor a Officer for $20 each
DRESS: Casual

MEAL: Central Texas BBQ dinner

Click the STAR to purchase >>>>

One Nation Under God Breakfast - Wednesday, February 5, 2025 at 730am
LOCATION: Golfcrest Country Club, 2509 Country Club Dr, Pearland 77581
COST: $25 per person or $250 a table of 8 or sponsor another attendee
DRESS: Business Casual

MEAL: Breakfast Buffet with eggs, hashbrowns, meat, gravy, coffee and juice

Mothers Day Car Show Extravaganza - Saturday, May 10, 2025 - 9a move-in

LOCATION: Hometown Sports Bar, 1853 Pearland Parkway, Pearland 77581
COST: $25 per car

INFO: More to come

Community Service


Prevention of Child Abuse

Youth Programs

​All American Cookbook

We have put together a great stocking stuffer, birthday gift or just plain fun cookbook. It has lots to offer including area restaurant chefs and VIP recipes. It cost $20. See a member for more info


Community Baby Shower (Happens during Annual Car Show)

Each year the club solicits baby related items from the community to restock area pantries like Pearland Neighborhood Center and Christian Helping Hands. The club usually stands in front of a store and hands "shopping list" of items needed and the purchaser can then drop it off on the way out.

Service to Youth


ARC Halloween Dance

Every year the club host all area citizens with disabilities to dress up and come have pizza and dance and just have fun. One of our most exciting and heart-filled project we have. Put's a smile on everyone face.












JULY 4th - Celebration Freedom

We hand out flags annually at the City of Pearland 4th of July Celebration.


Patriot Flags

All of the flags you see along FM518 (Broadway) each flag day are owned by the Exchange Club of Pearland. The club, along with our great partners, the City of Pearland, place these flags out to provide a small symbol of our appreciation for those that have or are currently serving our country.


These flags are also "rent-able" for those times a loved one returns and you would like to align the roadway to your home or neighborhood in their honor. Contact a club member for more info.


We are ALWAYS looking for $500 sponsors for this project area.






​​ESCAPE Family Resource Center

Adopted as Exchange’s National Project in 1979, Exchange has now founded 130 Child Abuse Prevention centers and programs across the country.  In the Houston area, we provide training on Shaken Baby Syndrome as well as Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.


National Exchange Club Foundation

The Exchange Club of Memorial that all of its members participate in the Campaign For Kids to raise money for the NEC Foundation in support of its Child Abuse Prevention and other national programs.  Exchange child abuse prevention centers and programs spend approximately $65 million a year combating child abuse and neglect.  In addition to over 130 CAP centers and programs, the Foundation supports our Shaken Baby and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome training programs.


Awareness Field

Each year during Child Awareness Month (April), the club places a blue pinwheel in a designated field location representing each confirmed case of child abuse in Brazoria County and a white cross for each confirmed death due to violence. We always welcome sponsors to offset cost. We also sell t-shirts to wear each Monday of April signifying the day as "Break the Silence Blue Mondays".






Accepting The Challenge of Excellence

A.C.E. recognizes graduating high school seniors who have overcome tremendous obstacles in order to reach this goal.  Youth that have had to live on their own, maybe became pregnant, were subject to home abuse, overcame substance abuse. 


Our goal is to help the bottom 10% achieve dreams or becoming a better more adaptive citizen. 


Each youth is given $50 just to apply and be selected. If chosen locally, then could receive $500 and go on to District where they compete for $2500 and then on to National for a chance of $10,000


(C) Copyright 2016 and after Exchange Club of Pearland, Inc. Created by Buck Stevens by WIX

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